The Local Frequency: Good For Local Business

What does it mean to “keep your dollars local”? Every dollar that is spent locally is three times more likely to be injected back into the local economy. Spending your money at an independent shop not only supports a local business owner but it ensures that a town of 30,000 can have a varied and diversified offering of  goods and services. When you choose a Devils Club Brewery Signature IPA or Coppa’s much loved coffee and ice cream instead of the big box option your money is three times more likely to be reinvested into Juneau.

Photo: Devil’s Club Brewing Company located at 100 N Franklin St, Juneau, AK

Think about it, when you decide to make a small shift in your purchasing habits it has a large affect on the community it is spent in. Small and independent businesses are free from large stakeholders oversight, they are able to decide how they spend their profit; by sourcing local goods resulting in strengthening local supply chains, these businesses donate to local charities, they even invest (much more often than large chains) directly into their employees (continuing education, healthcare, and training) which allows them to better serve the community we all live in.

Supporting local isn’t a new concept but it has never been more relevant than it is in 2021. When we support small to medium sized businesses we help secure steady job growth, wage equality, and even contribute to lowering the poverty rate  when small businesses thrive. So, you ask, how can I do my part by always considering and supporting local independent businesses before a heading online? The answer is there’s an app for that, the Local Frequency app.

If you are looking to experience Juneau to the fullest make sure to download the Local Frequency app from the Google Play or Apple store to search and support Juneau, Alaska’s local independent businesses. This app not only provides a full directory of shopping and dining options it rewards you for shopping local. How you ask? It’s simple, follow the steps listed below and start earning rewards today!

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