Advance your career though a variety of sectors including, government, maritime, research & development,
mining, visitor services, and healthcare.
State Government
Alaska’s capital city has a full offering of professional jobs in many different fields, including Accounting, Nursing, Operations, Human Resources, and Criminal Justice.
Workplace Alaska is the state’s resource for job hunters across the state. Click thorough the link for details on Juneau job openings with the State of Alaska.
Health Care & Social Assistance
Health care and social assistance organizations offer a competitive market with a variety of residency opportunities available.
Begin your job search with this popular list of organizations that offer health care and social assistance; Bartlett Regional Hospital, SEARHC, JAMHI, REACH, NAMI Juneau, Juneau Youth Services, Family Promise of Juneau,
Leisure and Hospitality
2018 saw the largest growth in leisure and hospitality jobs in Juneau, this reflects growth in visitor industry jobs. However, may of these jobs are seasonal.
Because total earnings are averaged over 12 months, these appear to be among the lower paying jobs in Juneau on an annual basis. Travel Juneau is the hub for all details on tourism and companies operating through the summer season.
Professional, Scientific & Technological
Professional, scientific and technological services are the largest sector for sole proprietors and self-employed residents, representing 17% of the Juneau population.
There are a wealth of companies established in Juneau who are looking for the right employee to add to their team. Consider the following when looking to continue your professional career; Alaska Communications, Hansen Gress, NOAA Fisheries,